Daron's Basketball Team Updates: He is currently playing 3 Basketball teams this season.. He plays for St Bernard 5th/6th Grade Travel Team as Back Up Point Guard and Shooting Guard, NorthWest Boys and Girls Club (Hartford, CT) Starting Shooting Guard and Enfield 1st/2nd Grade Youth Basketball League Starting Point Guard! He recently tried out for AAU team, Middlesex Magic (located near Boston, MA) Under 10 and coaches would like him to be a Point Guard. He is going to try out for one more AAU team in Springfield Ma before we make our decision which team Daron wants to play for during AAU Spring Season!

SnapSports NorthEast President, Craig Bryden shoveling his court!

One of his sons, Daron shooting some hoops while his Dad was shoveling the court!

Daron playing one on one with his Dad!

His 2 sons, Daron and Jaxon playing some solid defense against their Dad!!

Jaxon watching his older brother, Daron displaying his dribble skills!
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