Beautiful 30 x 35 Multi - Purpose Rhino Court was installed last weekend. Charles, Laureen and their daughters love their new Rhino Court. Their daughters have been playing non stop since last weekend. They play volleyball, badminton, basketball and tennis.
Charles and Laureen first found out about Rhino Court when my family passed out the flyers in their neighborhood. They called me the next day for a court estimate appointment. They felt in love with the courts pictures that I installed the last 2 years. They decided to buy Rhino Court right away.
I really enjoyed installing their court. Very nice family! They are only 15 minutes away from me. It s nice that I finally installed a Rhino Court close to my hometown. One day, I will stop by to play R-H-I-N-O instead of H-O-R-S-E with my 6 year old son, Daron. So be ready for us Charles and Laureen! ;-)
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